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Head of Department Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry),Professor
Telephone: + 38 (044) 424 94 53 Fax: + 38 (044) 424 35 67 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; |
Department staff is 19 co-workers including 4 DSc, 10 PhDs. The Department includes Laboratory "Center for collective use of scientific instruments "Mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography"" (Acting Head of Lab. PhD in Chem. I.V. Laguta). From 1986, the Department researchers have published 5 books, individual chapters in 11 collective monographs, 350 scientific papers, and obtained 18 patents for invention; 3 doctor and 14 candidate dissertations were defended.
Directions of investigations
Study of regularities of substance self-organization in the limited space of pores of adsorbents and biological structures of cellular or subcellular nature; surface influence on the parameters of phase transitions involving water and van der Waals liquids; nature of the biological activity of nanosized oxides; development of bio-mineral highly biocompatible composite systems and specific to certain types of drugs. The practical direction of work is aimed to create a new generation of entherosorbents and dietary supplements with a strong antioxidant and immunomodulating activity for treatment the toxicosis of various etiologies; composite systems for the parodontal disease treatment; remedies for stimulation of reproductive cell vital processes; mixtures to protect and stimulate the plant growth.
Main results for the recent years
It is found the possibility to display quantum effects at the substance adsorption in nanosized pores that are observed due to the presence of adsorption potential minimum not only near pore walls, but also in their middle part. It is shown that for water minimum in the middle of interplane gap has a lower energy, but its occupancy at T> 280 K is small and increases only with temperature decreasing. Accordingly, place of molecule localization in the pore space varies with temperature. At the presence of several adsorbates, these effects are the basis in the formation of supramolecular self-assembled water-organic structures in the pores of solids and weakly hydrated biological objects.
Shown, that the structure of interfacial water clusters is defined by medium. When exposed to air only clusters of strongly associated water with structure similar to liquid water structure are formed. In nonpolar liquids (CCl4, decane) a certain amount of organic phase may be dissolved in these clusters at the simultaneous formation of van der Waals clusters that dissolve a certain water amount. The effect increases with increasing of temperature and medium polarity. So in CDCl3 concentrations of both cluster types are comparable. With the introduction of polar substance (CD3CN, (CD3)2SO) a third type of clusters enriched with water and polar component is formed. Cluster water forms easily dissolve hydrophobic and hydrophilic organic compouds, but almost not dissolve mineral acids (HCl, H2O2, H3PO4, H3PO3), which can be released from solution in the form of individual substances.
It was found general regularities of changes in the spectral, protolytic, structural, solubility and adsorption properties of herbal flavonoids (quercetin and rutin) in the presence of cationic surfactants (decametoxine and miramistin) in solution and on the nanosilica surface. New stomatological paste composed of flavonoid, antiseptic surfactant miramistin or decametoxine and fumed silica was formulated. As a result of physico-chemical researches optimal conditions and component ratio to form supramolecular compounds of flavonoid with surfactant in the presence of silica were found. Clinical trials have shown higher efficacy of the three-component paste for parodont treatment in comparison with medicines containing only antiseptic and adsorbent.
Nanocomposites which include metal oxides immobilized on the nanoparticles of fumed silica were developed and their effect on biological systems of plant origin was studied. As a result of biometric testing of aqueous system activity of nanocomposites MxOy/SiO2, (M = Ni, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn) during germination of wheat seeds it was found that metal nanocomposites primarily affect the formation of plant roots, particularly their root number and total weight.
A remedy for fixing completely removable dental prostheses based on the system: natural polysaccharide-silica-flavonoid-cationic surfactant was developed. Pharmacological and clinical studies have shown that this tool provides long fixative effect and prevents the appearance of relapse of traumatic prosthetic stomatitis.
Found that silica surface modification with protein BSA or oligosaccharides (sucrose, raffinose) promotes further immobilization of amine containing carbohydrates – N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, D-galactosamine and N-acetylneuraminic acid. Determined that the presence of the protein in such nanocomposites reduces their biological activity by stabilizing the structure of modifier molecules on the silica surface. It is shown that nanocomposite (silica/sucrose), unlike silica, largely capable to adsorption interaction with fructose of semen plasma of unfrozen bull gametes, which is the main energy substance that provides movement of these cells. This suggests that its activation in the presence of nanocomposite is possible due to the formation of complex silica/sucrose/fructose too.
It is developed the formulation of a new generation of dietary supplements "Fitosyl" which contains fumed silica and dispersed powders of medicinal plants. Results of clinical trials have shown that dietary supplements "Fitosyl" suitable for health-care food, particularly for chronic diseases of the respiratory, digestive, liver, gall bladder, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, at parasitic and helminth infestation, allergies, poisonings, etc.
The method of low-temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy revealed that on the interfaces of fumed silica A-300, modified by adsorption of vitreous components, in organic media of different polarity clusters of strongly and weakly associated water are formed. By means of variation of the organic medium composition the state of water at silicacontact with nanosized areas of the intestinal mucosa with various hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties can be modeled.
Department staff
TurovVolodymyr V., DSc, Head of Department,
tel.:+ 38 (044) 424 94 53; fax: + 38 (044) 424 35 67, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bаresh Oleksandr M., leading engineer,
tel.:+ 38 (044) 422 96 68, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Barvinchenko Valentina M., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.:+ 38 (044) 424 94 79, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gerashchenko Igir I., DSc, Leading Researcher,
tel.: + 38 (044) 424 94 52; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
Golovan Alina P., PhD, Researcher Associate,
tel.: + 38 (044) 424 94 79, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Klimenko Natalia Yu., PhD, Researcher Associate,
tel.: + 38 (044) 422 96 85, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Krupska Tetyana V., DSc, Leading Researcher,
tel.: + 38 (044) 422 96 91, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lipkovska Natalia O., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.:+ 38 (044) 424 94 79, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Novikova Olena A., leading engineer,
tel.:+ 38 (044) 422 96 85, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postrelko Valentin M., DSc, Senior Researcher,
tel.: + 38 (044) 424 94 79;
Siora Iryna V., PhD, Junior Researcher,
tel.: + 38 (044) 422 96 85, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Turanska Svitlana P., PhD, Research Associate,
tel.: + 38 (044) 424 94 79, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Zrol Lina V., leading engineer, tel.: + 38 (044) 422 96 91
Petrovskii Roman P., leading engineer, tel.: + 38 (044) 422 96 91
Elagina Natalia V., leading engineer, tel.: + 38 (044) 422 96 91
Laboratory "Center for collective use of scientific instruments
"Mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography"" staff
Laguta Iryna V., PhD, Head of Laboratory,
tel.: +38 (044) 4248232; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fesenko Tatyana V., PhD, Researcher Associate,
tel.: +38 (044) 4248232; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kuzema Pavlo O., PhD, Senior Researcher, tel.: +38 (044) 4248232;, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stavinskaya Oksana N., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.: +38 (044) 4248232; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Recent publications
1. V.M. Gun’ko, L.P. Morozova, A.A. Turova, A.V. Turov, V.E. Gaishun, V.M. Bogatyrev , V.V. Turov. Hydrated phosphorus oxyacids alone and adsorbed on nanosilica. // J. Colloid Interface Sci. – 2012. – V.368. – P.263–272.
2. S.V. Mikhalovsky, V.M. Gun’ko, V.A. Bershtein, V.V. Turov, L.M. Egorova, Claudine Morvan, L.I. Mikhalovska. A comparative study of air-dry and water swollen flax and cotton fibres. // RSC Adv. – 2012. – P.1–7.
3. V.M. Gun’ko, V.V. Turov, A.V. Turov. Hydrogen peroxide-water mixture bound to nanostructured silica // Chemical Physics Letters. – 2012. – V.531. – P.132–137.
4. S.P. Turanska, A.N. Kaminskiy, N.V. Kusyak, V.V. Turov, P.P. Gorbyk. Synthesis, properties and applications of magnetically controlled adsorbents. // Sb. Poverhnost. - 2012. - Is. 4 (19) - P.266–292. (in Russian).
5. I.I. Gerashchenko, А.І. Markina, E.М. Pakhlov, V.F. Gorchev. Comparison of the structural-adsorption characteristics of preparations of kaolin and dioctahedron smectite dioktaedrychnoho // Farmacevticheskiy. zhurnal. - 2012. - № 3.-P.58-64 (in Russian).
6. N.P. Galagan, V.M. Gun'ko, N.G. Porkhun, E.A. Novikov, V.V. Turov. Effect of dispersion of nanosilicas on their bioactivity in relation to bull gametes. // Dopovidi NAN Ukrainy. - 2012. - № 5. - P. 126-133 (in Russian).
7. V.V. Turov, V.M. Gun’ko, O.P. Kozinchenko, S.R. Tennison, S.V. Mikhalovsky. Effect of temperature and a weakly polar organic medium on water localization in slit-like pores of various sizes in microporous activated carbon // Physical chemistry of surface phenomena. – 2011. – V.85, N 11. – P.1954–1959.
8. T.V. Kulik, V.N. Barvinchenko, B.B. Palyanytsya, N.A. Lipkovska, O.O.Dudik. Thermal transformations of biologically active derivatives of cinnamic acid by TPD MS investigation // J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis. - 2011. - V.90. - P.219–223.
9. V.V. Turov, V.F. Chehun, V.N. Barvinchenko, T.V. Krupska, Yu.I. Prylutskyy, P. Scharff, U. Ritter. Low-temperature 1H-NMR spectroscopic study of doxorubicin influence on the hydrated properties of nanosilica modified by DNA // J. Mater Sci: Mater Med. – 2011. – V. 22. – P.525–532.
10. V.M. Gun’ko, V.V. Turov, O.P. Kozinchenko, V.G. Nikolaev, S.R. Tennison, S.T. Meikle, E.A. Snezhkova, F. Ehrburger-Dolle, I. Morfin, D.O. Klymchuk, S.V. Mikhalovsky Activation and structural and adsorption features of activated carbons with highly developed micro-, meso- and macroporosity // Springer: Adsorption. – 2011. – V.17. – P.453–460.
11. E.V. Yuhmenko, V.D. Yukhimenko, V.M. Bogatyrev, V.V. Turov. Nanosilicas as active agents in protective-stimulation compositions for presowing treatment of seeds of agricultural cultures// Nanomaterials and nanocomposites in medicine, biology, ecology / Eds. A.P. Shpak, V.F. Chekhun. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka.- 2011.- P.402-421 (in Russian).
12. I.I. Gerashchenko, А.І. Markina, V.V. Turov. The structure of bound water in the vitreous body according to 1H NMR spectroscopy. // Med. Khimia. – 2011. – V.13, 2(47). – P. 102 – 106 (in Russian).
13. V.M. Gun’ko, V.V. Turov, V.M. Bogatyrev, Petin A.Y., Turov A.V., Trachevskyi V.V., Blitz J.P. The influence of pre-adsorbed water on adsorption of methane on fumed and nanoporous silicas. // Appl. Surf. Sci. – 2011. – P.1306–1316.
14. V.V. Turov, V.M. Gun’ko, A.A. Turova, L.P. Morozova, E.F. Voronin. Interfacial behavior of concentrated HCl solution and water clustered at a surface of nanosilica in weakly polar solvents media // Colloids Surf. A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. – 2011. – P.48–55.
15. V.V. Turov, V.N. Barvinchenko, T.V. Krupska, V.M. Gun’ko, V.F. Chekhun. Hydration properties of a composite material based on highly dispersed silica and DNA // Biotehnologiya. – 2011. – V. 4, № 4. – P. 34 – 49 (in Russian).
16. N.P. Galagan, N.Yu. Klimenko, I.L. Orel, E.A. Novikova, V.V. Turov. Bifunctional nanomaterials based on highly dispersed silica, protein and aminocarbohydrates // Biopolim. i kletka.- 2010, – V.26, №3, – P. 1 – 10 (in Russian).
17. A.P. Golovan, А.А. Rugal, V.M. Gun’ko, V.N. Barvinchenko, J. Skubiszewska-Zieba, R. Leboda, T.V. Krupskaya, V.V. Turov. Modeling of bone tissue by nanocomposite systems based on hydroxyapatite - albumin - gelatin and their properties // Sb. Poverhnost.- 2010. – Is. 17 (2). - P.244 – 265 (in Russian).
18. N.O. Lipkovska, V.M. Barvinchenko, N.F. Kosachevska. Chemical and pharmaceutical research fitokompozytu based on medicinal plants and nanokremnezemu // Sb. Poverhnost. - 2010. – Iss. 17 (2) - P.322 – 330 (in Russian).
19. V.V. Turov, V.M. Gun’ko, K.N. Khomenko, A.Yu. Petin, A.V. Turov, P.P. Gorbik. Hydrogen Adsorption on Silicate in the Presence of Water and Benzene // Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A. – 2010. – V.84, N1. – Р.70–75.
20. V.M. Gun’ko, V.V. Turov, V.N. Barvinchenko, A.A. Turova, A.A. Rugal, V.I. Zarko, R. Leboda. Nonuniformity of starch/nanosilica composites and interfacial behaviour of water and organic compounds // Appl. Surf. Sci. – 2010. – V.256, N12. – Р. 5275–5280.
21. Entherosorption in complex treatment of acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity // Eds. A.A. Viltsanyuk, I.I. Gerashchenko. - Vinnitsa-Kiev-Kharkov: Oma-Pak, 2009. – 128 p. (in Russian).
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Про результати виборів
02 липня 2024 року в Інституті хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України відбулися Збори колективу наукових працівників, присвячені виборам директора Інституту. В Національну академію наук України надійшли документи від одного претендента, а саме від заступника директора з наукової роботи Інституту, чл.-кор. НАН України В.В. Турова. Саме його кандидатура брала участь у виборах.
Станом на 02 липня 2024 року фактична штатна чисельність наукових працівників Інституту становила 123 особи. Загальні Збори наукових працівників виключили на час проведення Зборів 23 працівників зі списків виборців відповідно до їх заяв у зв’язку з перебуванням закордоном. Таким чином, на час проведення виборів фактична штатна чисельність наукових працівників Інституту становила 100 осіб. На Зборах колективу наукових працівників зареєструвалося 87 осіб, що становить 87%. Тобто Збори є правочинними обирати директора Інституту.
Для проведення таємного голосування було виготовлено 123 бюлетені, участь в голосуванні взяло 87 наукових працівників, в урні виявлено 87 бюлетенів, залишилося нерозданими 36 бюлетені, які були погашені.
За кандидатуру В.В. Турова проголосувало 82 особи, проти – 5 осіб, недійсних бюлетенів – 0.
Для обрання керівника (директора) Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України необхідно, щоб згідно п. 3.12.4. Статуту НАН України кандидат на посаду директора набрав не менше 2/3 голосів виборців, тобто 58 голоси, або більше 1/2 голосів, коли за кандидата проголосувало менше 2/3 виборців, тобто більше 44 голоси.
Таким чином, ТУРОВ Володимир Всеволодович вважається обраним на посаду директора Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України
Голова Оргкомітету,
головуючий на Зборах А.М. Дацюк,
Секретар Оргкомітету, секретар Зборів О.О. Казаков
ONLINE ТРАНСЛЯЦІЯ виборів директора Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О.Чуйка НАН України
Шановні наукові співробітники!
За попереднім узгодженням з Відділенням хімії НАН України, враховуючи терміни, визначені законодавством для проведення керівників державних наукових установ, 02 липня 2024 року відбудуться вибори директора Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України.
Згідно з порядком проведення виборів, участь у виборах можуть брати усі наукові працівники, незважаючи на відпустки, декретні відпустки, відпустки за свій рахунок і т.п.
Голосувати можна і під час лікарняного, якщо стан вашого здоров'я дозволяє це.
Онлайн голосування на виборах директора законодавство НЕ ПЕРЕДБАЧАЄ, тобто участь у голосуванні можна взяти лише особисто, будучи присутнім 02.07.2024 року в Інституті.
Зважаючи на літній період, потенційні ваші відпустки, адміністрація Інституту просить спланувати свій час так, щоб ви 02.07.2024 року могли забезпечити кворум та взяти участь у виборах директора.
Ukrainian conference with international participation
29-30 May, 2024, Kyiv